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Care   management

What We Coordinate!

From the initial assesment or addiction intervention, We formulate a plan, We start to case manage by arranging/organising the right primary care drug rehab programme for you or a loved one. We liase with rehabs to make sure we get you to the right one for you that will suit your personal individual needs. 

In this process we offer safe housing (immediatly if needed) where we arrange an assesment with the rehab with you and we prepare you for your rehab experience right up until you leave for rehab. We act fast and usually you can be in a primary rehab within a day to a week.

At your discretion we also involve and support the immediate family in this process. 


We start to facilitate/case manage as we liase with the primary rehab to ensure you that all your needs are being met and that you are reciving the standard of care you deserve. We carefully make sure all the care services are working towards the same goal.

We liase with the rehab regularly and do recieve care reports from the rehab as we review your progress. 

We are here to support and guide you in a smooth rehabilitation process and help you to be accountable.

We also assist the rehab to help establish any ongoing needs you may have that need to be addresed while your in rehab or to be included in your dischagre plan from the rehab for when you come back to a life after rehabilitation  as your stay in primary is coming to an end.


Once you leave rehab we agree for you to come back to join our complimentary continuum of care/aftercare. 

Together we incorporate any issues identified in the primary rehabilitation process (Dischage plan) that need to be further addressed  for your ongoing perosnal devolopment.

What Are the Benefits of an Addiction Case Manager?
When you or someone you care about works with an addiction case manager during the recovery process, they help:
1. Identify Recovery Needs
It’s important to keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for addiction recovery. What might help someone progress toward their sobriety goals could potentially set someone else back. Some people may appreciate the structured regimen of a residential treatment center, while others may not be able to afford putting life on hold for a month or more to get help. Addiction case managers can more specifically identify recovery needs at various stages of treatment and provide a more diverse range of treatment recommendations.
2. Facilitate Real-World Recovery Tools and Support
Addiction recovery is a lifetime journey, and success hinges on developing the right tools and skills to achieve your goals. Addiction case managers are well-versed in those tools and skills. They can help individuals in treatment further develop and practice them at various stages of recovery later on by bridging the gap between clinical treatment and real-world success 
3. Coordinate Care
It isn’t rare for overlapping treatment teams to use slightly different language to talk about similar things. At the same time, just because one treatment team prioritizes a specific goal does not guarantee that other teams are aware of that goal.
Without a dedicated case manager coordinating communication, setting realistic goals and achieving them can get messy. A case manager keeps all treatment teams working toward an overarching recovery plan that’s in the best interest of the individual’s needs.
4. Take an As-Needed Approach
When someone is in recovery from addiction, the goal is not that they will be dependent on a case manager for the rest of their lives. Instead, case managers take an as-needed approach to support individuals during treatment.
At first, a case manager may have to check in multiple times a day to keep someone accountable, but as the individual makes progress on the road to recovery, a case manager can gradually begin to reduce check-ins and meetings.
As the individual gains confidence practicing the tools and skills they need to navigate sobriety in healthy ways, the case manager provides support only when needed with the ultimate goal of eventually not being needed at all. 

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